Planning Applications

Stoke Parish Council Planning Applications

Applications by businesses and homeowners to either build a new or alter an existing building, or any other construction or object that is subject to planning controls (trees subject to tree protection orders for example), must be submitted to the Planning Department of Bromsgrove District Council (BDC). Once a planning application has been registered with BDC  they are forwarded to the Parish Council for the Parish affected by the application.

Stoke Parish Council maintains a Register of all planning applications relating to the Avoncroft and Rock Hill Wards that is normally updated twice monthly, usually around the middle and at the end of each month. The current version of the Register for 2021 can be accessed via the link below.

Planning Applications 2023.pdf

Viewing a Planning Application

If you are affected by a Planning Application and you would like to have a look at what has actually been submitted by the Applicant to Bromsgrove District Council (BDC) then please follow the procedure detailed below

1. Open the Current-Year Planning Applications Register by clicking the Link above

2. Make a note of the relevant Planning Application Reference Number at the second column of the Register

3. Use the Link below to open a Guide detailing how you can access the BDC Planning Department on their Website and through it be able to review all of the information relating to the Planning Application in question - make sure that you have its Reference Number to hand

How to View a Planning Application

Objecting to a Planning Application

If you wish to object to a Planning Application please follow the procedure below

Note - BDC normally contact those addresses that will be directly affected by any Planning Application but not having been contacted by BDC does not preclude you from voicing an objection

1. Carefully consider and prepare your reasons for wishing to object to the Planning application in question. Please note that 'not liking it' is not a sufficient reason, you need to be able to explain exactly why the application will adversely affect you in some way.

2. (Optional) If you wish you can contact the Parish Council by e-mail, phone or by visiting our office to discuss your issues and to ask if it is able to support your objections. If so the Parish Council will themselves submit an objection to BDC.

3. It is essential that you contact your District Councillor, irrespective of whether or not the Parish Council makes an objection to the Planning Application, and request them to ask for it to be submitted to the Full District Planning Committee for their consideration. This is because many Planning Applications get dealt with by the Planning Department under 'delegated powers' with only a very few automatically going to the Full Committee.

Contact details for your Parish and District Councillors are provided under the Your Council section of this website

Previous Years Planning Application Registers

Planning Applications 2022

Planning Applications 2021

Planning Applications 2020

Planning Applications 2019

Planning Applications 2018

Planning Applications 2017

Note that any Planning Applications from 2020 that are still live are included in the 2021 Register