St Michael's Church

This page provides information about St Michael's Church mainly received from the Church with a request for us to publish on the website

What's On at the Church

This section provides brief details of forthcoming events that the Church has asked to be included here

Barn Dance "4th February at Stoke Prior Sports and Social Club - Click this link to see details

  Welcome to St Michael's and All Angels

Tower Restoration and Other Communications

The following thumbnails will take you to various letters, newsletters, bulletins and blogs etc that have been sent to the Parish Council for publication either on the website or in the Council newsletter

 No Item


September 2019

Church Wardens

July 2019

Fetes and Fairs

June 2019

Troubled Times 

May 2019


 April 2019

Xmas Tree Festival

 March 2019


February 2019

Tower Lottery Letter

 December 2018


 December 2018

Xmas Tree Festival

October 2018

Tower Report



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